“Gnomish life is Gnomish strife”
Lore Master Alagash – Hold Gloombridge
Gnome Hold Sagas follows the stories and events of Gnomes in an alternative world where a they live hidden alongside humans. It’s a world filled with adventure and peril. A world where the truth of where the Gnomes come from is yet to be discovered.
Gnome Hold Sagas started as a fun little idea one Christmas while sat around talking about movies. The borrowers came up and it was mentioned that a 1 to 1 scale skirmish game to be played on any surface could be a fun idea. An idea had already been penned out in the office of Gydran Studio years before, but by the time it came to make it someone had already beaten us to the mark, and so we shelved the idea. However, during Christmas 2022 the enthusiasm for the idea came back again and plans on how it would be bought to life started to be formed. Creatures at the end of the garden had been done, as had Lilliputians and other small humanoids. Being Christmas the inspiration quickly turned to elves… but they didn’t get the imagination going quite as much. Then inspiration hit hard… Gnomes!!! Gnomes are a bit grittier, aren’t they!?. That was it, the course was set and a barrage of idea started to flow across the drawing board and in the pages of sketchbooks.
Slowly but surely over the development of Gnomes: The Skirmish Game an expanded world started to be formed with characters and creatures that set their world apart from the one we live in. It all started to come together and a “table top” game just wouldn’t be enough to contain the world. There had to be more from this bubbling world. It was almost as though it was dragging us in that direction. Ideas about animated shorts, comic books and fiction were all thrown down on the creative table and outlines for them started to be penned out. The world, though small, had the possibility to be epic, and who were we to deny it the chance to exist.
Within the pages of the Gnomes: The Skirmish Game rulebook we talk briefly about some of the Gnomish Holds that exist in Gamlin Gardens, a Subjectively small suburban new build town that could also be see objectively as a massive sprawling urban landscape for the Gnomes to explore. These Gnome Holds are not the only ones that exist. there are thousands, some small and some vast, worldwide. This gives the world of Gnome Hold Sagas an almost endless playing field of creativity with epic journeys and exploration from the point of view of creature, just 1 inch tall.